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What is the name of our Parent Company?
Where is our factory located in Australia?
What makes the FieldTurf fibre process for producing fibre better?
What systems is our monofilament used in?
What range is our texturised monofilament used in?
What are the key benefits of FieldTurf PureFill?
PureFill's cork material is harvested from cork oak trees every...
FieldTurf Play-Active consists of...
FieldTurf Play-Active offers...
What products offer the highest Critical Fall Height (CFH) for FieldTurf Play-Active
How many solar-panels does FieldTurf Australia have on it's factory roof?
How many solar-panels does FieldTurf Australia have on it's factory roof?
Sustainability is in...
We are the first FieldTurf factory to use...
Our Global references include...